
This is the first edition of the bi-weekly newsletter “OnSite” for the First Nations Infrastructure Institute (FNII). We chose this name because it has several meanings that reflect our institute’s objectives. It is a common reference to being on construction sites but can also refer to standing our ground as Indigenous peoples, for whom land – and the infrastructure it supports – is a fundamental asset for sustainable communities and self-determination.

The name can also refer to “sight” as in two-eyed seeing and insight into this topic of First Nations infrastructure.

That’s a lot to put onto one small name but that was our thinking process and these are the themes we are working on at the institute and that will be reflected in our news articles. We hope you will find them useful. You are receiving this newsletter because you’ve requested it, or asked for information about FNII, or you’ve participated in a FNII workshop or presentation. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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Ce bulletin d’information est également disponible en Français.